
Afghanistan Unveiled. (PBS Independent Lens)

Documentary about the treatment of women, by some women journalists who went to many parts of the country. It was absolutely heartbreaking. How little has changed. so much is left to do. Wives of addicts who cannot work because of how Sharia is understood in certain parts of the country. Much of the basis of the oppression is superficially religious. The journalists were also muslim, and disagreed completely with the practices in the rural parts of the country. Who can say what is the correct answer on matters of islam? Every person can claim their interpretation is correct. Where does that leave the argument?

Such is the folly of any religion. Yes, there is a written law. In valuable commercial contracts the pirouettes of intentional misunderstandings or omissions to consider, which enable bidders to meet the letter of the stated requirement is sometimes breathtaking, but absolutely natural. Why should one expect anything different with any other written work ? How can we transcend what is written to express what is intended leaving room for the flexibility required to apply it to new circumstances, without being so free as to permit terrible distortion?


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